CoiniumServ was created to be used for mining pool network - Myanmar Crypto Mining

Myanmar Crypto Mining

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Sep 1, 2017

CoiniumServ was created to be used for mining pool network

[![Build Status](]( [![Build status](](
[![Documentation Status](](

**CoiniumServ** is a high performance, extremely efficient, platform-agnostic, easy to setup pool server implementation. It features stratum and vanilla services, reward, payment, share processors, vardiff & ban managers, user-friendly embedded web-server & front-end and a full-stack API.

CoiniumServ was created to be used for mining pool network at first hand. You can check [some of pools]( of the pools running CoiniumServ.

### Screenshots

##### Console

![CoiniumServ running over mono & ubuntu](

##### Embedded web frontend

![Embedded web frontend](

### Status

### Getting Started

Start by checking our [Getting Started]( guide for installation instructions for *nix and Windows.

### Documentation

### User Support

Start by reading our [FAQ]( and [wiki]( You can also use our [issues]( page to report bugs.

##### Discussions

* [](

### Support the project

You can support the development of the project with different methods;

[![Bountysource](]( [![tip for next commit](](  [![Gratipay](](

##### Donations

You can contribute the development of the project by donating;

* BTC: `18qqrtR4xHujLKf9oqiCsjmwmH5vGpch4D`
* LTC: `LMXfRb3w8cMUBfqZb6RUkFTPaT6vbRozPa`
* DOGE: `DM8FW8REMHj3P4xtcMWDn33ccjikCWJnQr`
* RDD: `Rb9kcLs96VDHTmiXVjcWC2RBsfCJ73UQyr`

If you would like to automatically donate a percentage of your pool's earning to support the project, check the [donation setup]( guide.

##### Donors

Here is a list of our generous donors that keep the project ongoing;

* [](

### Features
* __Platform Agnostic__; unlike other pool-servers, CoiniumServ doesn't dictate platforms and can run on anything including Windows, Linux or MacOS.
* __High Performance__; Designed to be fast & efficient, CoiniumServ can handle dozens of pools together.
* __Modular & Flexible__; Designed to be modular since day one so that you can implement your very own ideas.
* __Free & Open-Source__; Best of all CoiniumServ is open source and free-to-use. You can get it running for free in minutes.
* __Easy to Setup__; We got your back covered with our [guides & how-to's](

##### General

* Multiple pools & ports
* Multiple coin daemon connections
* Supports POW (proof-of-work) coins
* Supports POS (proof-of-stake) coins

##### Algorithms

* __Scrypt__, __SHA256d__, __X11__, __X13__, X14, X15, X17, Blake, Fresh, Fugue, Groestl, Keccak, NIST5, Scrypt-OG, Scrypt-N, SHA1, SHAvite3, Skein, Qubit

##### Protocols

* Stratum
 * show_message support
 * block template support
 * generation transaction support
 * transaction message (txMessage) support
* Getwork [experimental]

##### Storage Layers

* Hybrid mode (redis + mysql)
* [MPOS]( compatibility (mysql)

##### Embedded Web Server

* Customizable front-end
* Full stack json-api

##### Addititional Features

* Vardiff support
* Ban manager (that can handle miners flooding with invalid shares)
* Share & Payment processor, Job Manager

### Development

##### Model

* We have implemented extensive [tests]( for all important functionality and never merge in code that breaks tests and stuff. Yet again, when a new functionality is introduced we also expect proper tests to be implemented within the PR. In simple words, most probably you won't notice any functionality-breaking changes within the repository.
* A strict ruleset for the [Development Model]( You can follow our bleeding-edge [Develop]( branch or stay with-in the stable [Master]( branch.

##### Contributing

Start reading by these;

### Commercial Licensing

Alternatively, you can license this software under a commercial
license or white-label it as set out in [licenses/commercial.txt](

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