Building CryptoNote Wallet - Myanmar Crypto Mining

Myanmar Crypto Mining

Start crypto coin mining my record note.


Aug 6, 2017

Building CryptoNote Wallet

Select source file of CryptoNote Wallet and Download Wallet source file.
On *nix:

Dependencies: GCC 4.7.3 or later, CMake 2.8.6 or later, and Boost 1.53 or later (except 1.54, more details here:
You may download them from:
Alternatively, it may be possible to install them using a package manager.

To build, change to a directory where this file is located, and run `make'. The resulting executables can be found in build/release/src.

Advanced options:
Parallel build: run `make -j<number of threads>' instead of `make'.
Debug build: run `make build-debug'.
Test suite: run `make test-release' to run tests in addition to building. Running `make test-debug' will do the same to the debug version.
Building with Clang: it may be possible to use Clang instead of GCC, but this may not work everywhere. To build, run `export CC=clang CXX=clang++' before running `make'.

On Windows:
Dependencies: MSVC 2012 or later, CMake 2.8.6 or later, and Boost 1.53 or later. You may download them from:

To build, change to a directory where this file is located, and run this commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 11 Win64" ..

And then do Build.
Good luck!

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