Getting Started: Windows
Hüseyin Uslu edited this page on Dec
17, 2016 · 8
the sources
You can download the sources using
submodule init
submodule update
Once you got the sources, you can
compile on Windows using Visual Studio. First navigate to sources folder and
open the CoiniumServ.sln in build\ folder.

Set build mode to either Debug
or Release though you are advised to use Release mode for
production environments. Use the Build ~ Build Solution (F6) menu to start
compiling the sources.

You can find the executables in
either bin\Release or bin\Debug folder (based on the mode you selected).

Then you have to configure
the server to get it working.
git configuration
Line endings
In your.gitconfig
, you
need to set core.autocrlf
, like so:git config --global core.autocrlf input
This will convert line endings to LF when committing (the standard) and back
to whatever your system uses when you pull. Also, GitHub's help page lies to
you about this; it is actually correct to use input
on all OSes.If you don't want this to be the top-level configuration for git, just remove the
bit (but
make sure you change it when your current directory is in a/the coinium
repository). If you choose to do it this way, you must make sure it is set on
your copy of all coinium repositories (main/documentation/site/etc.)Forking
See here for help. Once you've made a fork, add a remote repository pointing to the primary upstream repository with:git remote add upstream git://
Then you can continually use git pull
upstream master
to keep in-sync with the changes made upstream.Only after you pull upstream into your master should you push to your fork and open a pull request. This is to prevent giving us a bunch of extra work having to ensure that you didn't screw something up. It also makes it easier to see what you've changed.
If you are going to delete your fork, you must delete or close any pending pull requests (or wait for them to be merged). GitHub doesn't like it when you do that.
Conflicting merge commits
When merging a conflicting branch with upstream, do not remove the automatically-inserted list (in the commit message) of conflicting files.Pull requests
A pull request (PR) is the primary way to push your changes upstream. We encourage you to send us anything that you deem appropriate for the master branch. We do not accept requests from a fork that is not up-to-date with upstream, so please don't send them unless you're fully up-to-date (this is to prevent rogue merges where one branch breaks something upstream, due to conflicting with upstream or (more often) in some other obtuse, generally unexplainable cases). If you need help sending a PR, see here.We will typically only merge a PR when it is described adequately and follows the design and coding style of the repository.
Commits/PRs we will (typically) not merge:
- With
commit message(s) "Edited ... via GitHub":
because we're not going to test or traverse your diff in an attempt to
understand your commits without a summary - unless we feel like yelling
expletives at our monitors. There is a text box
for the commit message below the edit box: use
it. Or get a proper git client and make proper commits like
the rest of us. These kinds of commits are
explicitly refused due to not being able to tell what the commit does in
commands like
git log
(without consulting the diff). - With no or inadequate descriptions (sometimes you may pass by being descriptive enough in commit messages, but it is best to properly describe a PR. Even a summary of the commits will suffice, though this does not exclude you from writing proper commit messages in the first place).
- Reference
any issues (
in the commit or PR description, whereXYZ
is the issue number) that have been fixed (or for other reasons). - Aptly describe what has been fixed/changed rather than, for example, "ponies weren't working right", where "ponies weren't working right" has presumably been 'fixed'.
- PR descriptions are verbosely descriptive summarisations.
- PR titles are a conciser version of the description.
Locating configuration files
Let's assume that you have downloaded CoiniumServ to/home/user/CoiniumServYour config files will exist in one of the following locations based on the mode you compiled the project;

Global configurationGlobal configuration file hosts common settings (stack, website and logging). First we have copy config-example.json as config.json
cd /home/user/CoiniumServ/bin/Debug/config
cp config-example.json config.jsonThen we have to open config.json with your favorite text editor (gedit, vim, pico etc..) and change it according to our needs.

As configuration files host their own documentation for all sections & parameters, it's pretty self explanatory.
Per-pool configuration
As CoiniumServ can host multiple pools together, you have to also create per-pool configuration files. You need to create per-pool configuration files in;/home/user/CoiniumServ/bin/Debug/config/poolsBy default, you'll see the following per-pool example files;

As CoiniumServ uses a very flexible configuration sub-system you have two different methods to configure pools.
Advanced per-pool configuration
You can use advanced-example.json as a starting point and configure every specific bits;cd /home/user/CoiniumServ/bin/Debug/config/pools
cp advanced-example.json your-pool.jsonadvanced-example.json hosts every available configuration option and you can fine them based on your needs. Yet again per-pool configuration files also host their own documentation for all sections & parameters and it's pretty self explanatory.
Default per-pool configuration
While loading per-pool configuration files, CoiniumServ will merge them with the default.json if it does exist, basically allowing you to put your common settings and then only change the required parameters in your per-pool configuration files.Configure common settings in default.json
Copy default-example.json as default.json and put in common settings for all your /home/user/CoiniumServ/bin/Debug/config/pools
cp default-example.json default.json

Create per-pool configuration files
Once we have default.json in-place, we can create per-pool configuration files based on /home/user/CoiniumServ/bin/Debug/config/pools
cp example.json your-pool.jsonThis allow us easier configuration of multiple pools. As an example, we can configure the common stratum parameters in default.json which will apply to all per-pool configuration files;
"stratum": {
"bind": "",
"diff": 16,
"vardiff": {
"minDiff": 8,
"maxDiff": 512,
"targetTime": 15,
"retargetTime": 90,
"variancePercent": 30
}Now we can simply setup a few more parameters in our per-pool configuration file;
"stratum": {
"enabled": true,
"port": 3333,
"vardiff": {
"enabled": true
}Which will be simply merged by as;
"stratum": {
"enabled": true,
"bind": "",
"port": 3333,
"diff": 16,
"vardiff": {
"enabled": true,
"minDiff": 8,
"maxDiff": 512,
"targetTime": 15,
"retargetTime": 90,
"variancePercent": 30
Sample step-by-step pool configuration
- Coin daemon (find the coin's repo and build latest version from source)
- For hybrid storage moge redis v2.6+ & mysql
- For MPOS compatibility mode: MPOS & mysql
Setup coin daemon
Follow the build instructions for your coin daemon. Through out the guide we'll be using litecoin as our sample coin.Grab the coin daemon sources & compile;
git clone
cd litecoin\src
make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=0
strip litecoindCreate configuration file for the coin (litecoin.conf) in coin's data folder;
rpcport=9333By default it should be in these locations;
- Windows, appdata/roaming/Litecoin/litecoin.conf
- Linux, ~/.litecoin/litecoin.conf
- MacOS, ~/Library/Application Support/Litecoin/litecoin.conf
Setup coin config
Make sure a corresponding coin.json file exist in;cd /home/user/CoiniumServ/bin/Debug/config/coins
Here is the example litecoin.json
"name": "Litecoin",
"symbol": "LTC",
"algorithm": "scrypt",
"blockExplorer": "",
"peerMagic": "fbc0b6db",
"peerMagicTestnet": "fcc1b7dc"
Create per-pool configuration file
Create litecoin.json and edit required parameters;cd /home/user/CoiniumServ/bin/Debug/config/pools
cp example.json litecoin.json
Coin section
Coin section should point to our coin configuration file;"coin": "litecoin.json",
Daemon section
Configure daemon rpc connection settings;"daemon": {
"host": "",
"port": 9333,
"username": "user",
"password": "password"
Wallet section
You have to create a central wallet address for your pool which mined coins will arrive and then paid to miners from.litecoind getaccountaddres ""
Then you have to put the generated address in your per-pool configuration
file;"wallet" : {
"address": "n3Mvrshbf4fMoHzWZkDVbhhx4BLZCcU9oY"
Rewards section
Rewards section allows you to configure operational fees for the pool. Basically you can define an unlimited amount of recipients and percentage.In the following example, myxWybbhUkGzGF7yaf2QVNx3hh3HWTya5t address will recieve %1 of the all coins mined by our pool as operational fee.
"rewards": [
{"myxWybbhUkGzGF7yaf2QVNx3hh3HWTya5t": 1}
You can also setup a tiny percentage here to donate the CoiniumServ project
automatically. For instructions check here. Payment processor section
CoiniumServ implements it's own payment-processor though it's optional. If you are using mpos compatibility layer, you would like to disable payments and let MPOS handle it. Otherwise it's a good idea to enable payment-processor in order to pay the miners."payments": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 60,
"minimum": 0.01
Stratum server section
You have to configure the stratum service to let CoiniumServ listen for stratum-protocol based miners and assign a unique port for your all pools. You can also enable or disable variable-difficulty (vardiff) support here."stratum": {
"enabled": true,
"bind": "",
"port": 3333,
"diff": 16,
"vardiff": {
"enabled": true,
"minDiff": 8,
"maxDiff": 512,
"targetTime": 15,
"retargetTime": 90,
"variancePercent": 30
Storage section
CoiniumServ supports multiple-storage layers; hybrid (redis+mysql), MPOS (mysql-only). You have to put in connection settings for the storage layer you selected here and enable it;"storage": {
"hybrid": {
"enabled": false,
"redis": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379,
"password": "",
"databaseId": 0
"mysql": {
"host": "",
"port": 3306,
"user": "username",
"password": "password",
"database": "db-name"
"mpos": {
"enabled": false,
"mysql": {
"host": "",
"port": 3306,
"user": "username",
"password": "password",
"database": "db-name"
Note that per-pool configuration files host few more sections & settings
which are already documented within the sample file itself.Running the server
Once you have changed the settings for your needs, you are basically ready to run the /home/user/CoiniumServ/bin/Debug/
./CoiniumServIf your configuration files are all okay, the CoiniumServ should be running and start serving the miners. If any problems exist with your configuration file, it'll be complaining about them and require you to fix them.

Running in background
If you want to run CoiniumServ as service on Linux, which means it will be run in background and even you close terminal, usemono-service
(from package mono-4.0-service
) command:mono-service CoiniumServ.exe
In case of any problems & errors, first make sure that your json configuration files are valid. If you still can't fix the problem, you can get support by methods listed here.Donation
You are more then welcome to help the project by donating.Stack Configuration
Stack configuration hosts the settings for your pool stack."stack": {
"name": "",
"nodes": [
"location": "eu",
"address": "",
"default": true
- name: Name of the pool stack, that will be rendered over various places in your frontend.
Contains the list of your stratum server nodes over different geographic locations.- location: Set here the geographic location of your server. Make sure to use the two-letter country code as web front-end will be rendering a flag icon using it.
- address: ip/domain of the server hosting the node.
- default: set this true if you want to set this node as the default one in the stack.
Statistics Configuration
Contains the statistics configuration settings which are used by the web front-end."statistics": {
"updateInterval": 60,
"hashrateWindow": 300
- updateInterval: Update interval in seconds for updating settings.
- hashrateWindow: How many seconds worth of shares should be included in to calculate hashrate data.
Website Configuration
Settings for embedded web-server and front-end"website": {
"enabled": true,
"bind": "",
"port": 80,
"template": "default",
"feed": "",
"backend": {
"metrics": {
"enabled": false
- enabled: Is the embedded web-server enabled?
- bind: Interface that embedded web-server will bind. Leave this empty to let it bind on all available interfaces.
- port: Port that embedded web-server listen for http connections.
- template: Name of the template that will be used. It should exist in bin/Release/web.
- feed: Url of the RSS feed that will be used for news.
Backend settings
If enabled, backend will available for pool administrator's use.Metrics
Settings for metrics interface which is only enabled within debug mode.- enabled: If enabled, a metrics interface for performance measures will be available over /metrics page. Should be only used for development & debugging purposes.
Logging Configuration
Contains settings for logging subsystem.{
"root": "logs",
"targets": [
"enabled": true,
"type": "file",
"filename": "server.log",
"rolling": false,
"level": "information"
"enabled": true,
"type": "file",
"filename": "debug.log",
"rolling": false,
"level": "verbose"
"enabled": false,
"type": "packet",
"filename": "packet.log",
"rolling": false,
"level": "verbose"
- root: Root folder name that the logs will be put in.
You can add here log targets with different settings.- enabled: Is the target enabled?
- type: Type of the target.
- file: Plain file log.
- packet: Specially formatted file that logs network packets for debugging purposes.
- filename: Name of the file.
- rolling: Enable this true to create files for each day.
- level: Minimum log level the target will emit.
Here is a list of coins that are
known to be working;
- Acoin
- AmKoin
- AsicCoin
- AurumCoin
- BancorCoin
- BattleCoin
- BetaCoin
- BigBullion
- BitCentavo
- BitRaam
- ChocoCoin
- Continuum
- CrownCoin
- DogeBlackCoin
- Fetish
- FireFlyCoin
- FreiCoin
- GamerHolicCoin
- HamRadioCoin
- Peercoin
- PeerCoinDark
- TitCoin
- TerraCoin
- VikingCoin
- Catcoin
- Earthcoin
- Lottocoin
- Noblecoin
Latest commit e4f1350
on Mar 7, 2015
daygle Correct
Wrong Symbol For ZET

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Coin definition file format
Json files in this folder are used
for defining coin properties so, CoiniumServ can use them. If you can't find an
existing file for a coin, make sure too here
to get a sample config.
Sample file;
"name": "Litecoin",
"symbol": "LTC",
"algorithm": "scrypt",
"blockExplorer": {
"tx": "",
"options": {
"useDefaultAccount": false,
"txMessageSupported": false
"node": {
"extra": {
- name: name of the coin
- symbol: symbol of the coin
- algorithm: algorithm used by the coin
- site: coins official site
- block: URL that block hash will be appended.
- tx: URL that x will be appended.
- address: URL that address will be appended.
Settings that manipulate the
internal working of server based on coin requirements.
- isProofOfStakeHybrid: Is the coin pow+pos hybrid? Default: false.
- blockTemplateModeRequired: Peercoin variants need a "mode" parameter to be set in in getblocktemplate, so we need to set this true for them. Default: false.
- useDefaultAccount: Needed to set true for Peercoin variants as they always send the coins for new blocks to default account. Default: false.
- txMessageSupported: Does the coin use transaction messages? False by default.
node options
Not in use yet, will be used once
embedded daemon-node is developed which will be able to check for block
- magic: Coin's magic string.
- testnetMagic: Magic string for Testnet.
Any extra options that will be
handled to algorithm itself.
contains configuration for extra daemon connections that can be used by
auto-exchange module - which is still not in use.
Basically you can add extra payment
daemons so that auto-exchange module can pay in a specific coin even if you
don't run a pool for it.
Coin configuration
Contains the configuration for the coin."coin": "litecoin.json"
- coin: name of the coin configuration while which should exist in /config/coins/.
Daemon configuration
Contains the settings for pool's daemon connection."daemon": {
"host": "",
"port": 9333,
"username": "user",
"password": "password",
"timeout": 5
- host: ip/hostname of daemon.
- port: the port coin daemon is listening on.
- username: username for rpc connection.
- password: password for rpc connection.
- timeout: timeout for rpc requests.
Meta configuration
Contains meta information about the pool."meta": {
"motd": "Welcome to CoiniumServ pool, enjoy your stay! -",
"txMessage": ""
- motd: message of the day sent to connected miners.
- txMessage: message to be included used within generation transactions.
Wallet configuration
Contains the address of the pool's central wallet."wallet" : {
"address": "n3Mvrshbf4fMoHzWZkDVbhhx4BLZCcU9oY"
- address: rewarded coins for mined blocks will arrive this address.
Rewards configuration
Contains the static rewards for found blocks like pool fees."rewards": [
{"myxWybbhUkGzGF7yaf2QVNx3hh3HWTya5t": 1}
- rewards: list of addresses that gets a percentage from each mined block (ie, pool fee.)
Payment Processor configuration
Contains the configuration for payment processor. Note: DO NOT enable payment processor when using mpos-storage layer."payments": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 60,
"minimum": 0.01
- enabled: set this true to let CoiniumServ handle the payments, false if you would like some other software like mpos to handle them.
- interval: interval in seconds that payment-processor will be running.
- minimum: minimum amount of coins before a miner is eligable for getting a payment.
Miner configuration
Cointans miner specific settings."miner": {
"validateUsername": true,
"timeout": 300
- validateUsername: set true to validate miner usernames as an addresses against the coin daemon.
- timeout: timeout in seconds to disconnect miners that did not submit any shares for the period.
Job Manager configuration
Contains settings for the job-manager."job": {
"blockRefreshInterval": 1000,
"rebroadcastTimeout": 55
- blockRefresh: timeout in miliseconds to poll coin daemon for a new block.
- rebroadcast: if now new blocks are found in this many seconds, a new job will be created and broadcasted.
Stratum Server configuration
Contains the settings for stratum server."stratum": {
"enabled": true,
"bind": "",
"port": 3333,
"diff": 16,
"vardiff": {
"enabled": true,
"minDiff": 8,
"maxDiff": 512,
"targetTime": 15,
"retargetTime": 90,
"variancePercent": 30
- enabled: set this true to enable stratum server.
- bind: interface to bind stratum server.
- port: port to listen for stratum connections.
- diff: default difficulty assigned to newly connected miners.
- enabled: set this true to enable variable-difficulty support.
- minDiff: minimum difficulty that can be assigned to miners.
- maxDiff: maximum difficulty that can be assigned to miners.
- targetTime: try to get a single share per this many seconds from miner.
- retargetTime: retarget a miners difficulty ever this many seconds.
- variancePercent: allow difficulty for a miner to vary this percent without retargeting.
Ban configuration
Contains the settings for ban manager that can ban miners that submits invalid shares to reduce system / network load."banning": {
"enabled": true,
"duration": 600,
"invalidPercent": 50,
"checkThreshold": 100,
"purgeInterval": 300
- enabled: set this true to enable banning support.
- duration: duration of ban when a miner gets flagged for so.
- invalidPercent: percentage of invalid shares to trigger a ban.
- checkThreshold: number of shares required before a miner's shares are considered for a ban.purgeInterval: purge
- interval in seconds that bans are checked to see if they are expired.
Storage configuration
Contains the settings for storage settings."storage": {
"hybrid": {
"enabled": false,
"redis": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379,
"password": "",
"databaseId": 0
"mysql": {
"host": "",
"port": 3306,
"user": "username",
"password": "password",
"database": "db-name"
"mpos": {
"enabled": false,
"mysql": {
"host": "",
"port": 3306,
"user": "username",
"password": "password",
"database": "db-name"
Hybrid Storage layer
Settings for hybrid storage layer that holds both redis and mysql connection information."hybrid": {
"enabled": false,
"redis": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379,
"password": "",
"databaseId": 0
"mysql": {
"host": "",
"port": 3306,
"user": "username",
"password": "password",
"database": "db-name"
Redis configuration
- host: redis host.
- port: redis port.
- password: set the password if your redis installation requires one.
- databaseId: redis database instance id (optional)
MySQL configuration
- host: database host.
- port: database port.
- username: username for connecting the database.
- password: password for connecting the database.
- database: database name.
Contains extra daemon connections as
an array.
"daemons": [
"enabled": false,
"daemon": {
"port": 9333,
"timeout": 5
- enabled: Is the connection enabled?
- coin: name of the coin configuration file that should exist in config/coins/.
- host: ip/hostname of coin-daemon.
- port: the port coin daemon is listening on.
- username: username for rpc connection.
- password: password for rpc connection.
- timeout: timeout for rpc requests.
Coin definition file format
Json files in this folder are used for defining coin properties so, CoiniumServ can use them. If you can't find an existing file for a coin, make sure too here to get a sample config.Sample file;
"name": "Litecoin",
"symbol": "LTC",
"algorithm": "scrypt",
"site": "",
"blockExplorer": {
"block": "",
"tx": "",
"address": ""
"options": {
"isProofOfStakeHybrid": false,
"blockTemplateModeRequired": false,
"useDefaultAccount": false,
"txMessageSupported": false
"node": {
"magic": "fbc0b6db",
"testnetMagic": "fcc1b7dc"
"extra": {
- name: name of the coin
- symbol: symbol of the coin
- algorithm: algorithm used by the coin
- site: coins official site
- block: URL that block hash will be appended.
- tx: URL that x will be appended.
- address: URL that address will be appended.
Settings that manipulate the internal working of server based on coin requirements.
- isProofOfStakeHybrid: Is the coin pow+pos hybrid? Default: false.
- blockTemplateModeRequired: Peercoin variants need a "mode" parameter to be set in in getblocktemplate, so we need to set this true for them. Default: false.
- useDefaultAccount: Needed to set true for Peercoin variants as they always send the coins for new blocks to default account. Default: false.
- txMessageSupported: Does the coin use transaction messages? False by default.
Not in use yet, will be used once embedded daemon-node is developed which will be able to check for block notifications
- magic: Coin's magic string.
- testnetMagic: Magic string for Testnet.
Any extra options that will be handled to algorithm itself.
- default.json contains the common configuration for the pools. You have to first copy default-example.json as default.json. Then you can put common settings for your pools on default.json as while loading pool.json configuration files, default.json values will be merged.
- Sample
- {
- "daemon": {
- "host": "",
- "timeout": 5
- },
- "meta": {
- "motd": "Welcome to CoiniumServ pool, enjoy your stay! -",
- "txMessage": ""
- },
- "payments": {
- "interval": 60,
- "minimum": 0.01
- },
- "miner": {
- "validateUsername": true,
- "timeout": 300
- },
- "job": {
- "blockRefreshInterval": 1000,
- "rebroadcastTimeout": 55
- },
- "stratum": {
- "bind": "",
- "diff": 16,
- "vardiff": {
- "minDiff": 8,
- "maxDiff": 512,
- "targetTime": 15,
- "retargetTime": 90,
- "variancePercent": 30
- }
- },
- "banning": {
- "duration": 600,
- "invalidPercent": 50,
- "checkThreshold": 100,
- "purgeInterval": 300
- },
- "storage": {
- "hybrid": {
- "redis": {
- "host": "",
- "port": 6379,
- "password": "",
- "databaseId": 0
- },
- "mysql": {
- "host": "",
- "port": 3306,
- "user": "username",
- "password": "password"
- }
- },
- "mpos": {
- "mysql": {
- "host": "",
- "port": 3306,
- "user": "username",
- "password": "password"
- }
- }
- }
- }
Hüseyin Uslu edited this page on Jul 25, 2014 · 1
You can manually donate the
following address to help development of the project;
- BTC: 18qqrtR4xHujLKf9oqiCsjmwmH5vGpch4D
- LTC: LMXfRb3w8cMUBfqZb6RUkFTPaT6vbRozPa
- DOGE: DM8FW8REMHj3P4xtcMWDn33ccjikCWJnQr
- RDD: Rb9kcLs96VDHTmiXVjcWC2RBsfCJ73UQyr
Additionally when configuring a
pool, you can setup an automatically donatied percent to project itself. You
can achieve this by adding an entry to rewards section in pool
configuration file.
Example bitcoin configuration
"rewards": [
1}, // %1 goes to pool-operator
{"18qqrtR4xHujLKf9oqiCsjmwmH5vGpch4D": 0.5}, // %0.5 goes to
CoiniumServ project as donation
Example litecoin configuration
"rewards": [
{"LbZLhgjvkiowsfq3LfxuPKFjTAUTY7BvHj": 1}, // %1 goes to pool-operator
{"LMXfRb3w8cMUBfqZb6RUkFTPaT6vbRozPa": 0.5}, // %0.5 goes to
CoiniumServ project as donation
Example dogecoin configuration
"rewards": [
{"DDUJX7toaLx9nwKeHyDwNiMRxcUPR65b3Z": 1}, // %1 goes to pool-operator
0.5}, // %0.5 goes to CoiniumServ project as donation
If you require a specific coin
address for your donations, please let us know so that we can create one so.
- mono 3.10.x+
- git
Follow the instructions over here to install mono on your system.Getting the sources
Once you have mono installed, you can download the sources using git;git clone
cd CoiniumServ
git submodule init
git submodule update
Then you can compile the sources using;cd build/release
You can read below the development
model we use within the process;

The model is based on
Basically we need two core branches;
- master (default branch with stable & tested code)
- develop ( development branch with next-gen code that still needs proper testing)
Feature branches; Our proposal follows
and PR's will be named in this format;
A proper PR should be referencing
the issue that it fixes. I've also put a basic developer guide here.
Tags Tagging releases will be quite useful.
Milestones The new model will also allow us to utilize the git's
milestone's feature, so we can target releases.
The plan
- Utilize the feature-XYZ branching model.
- Setup a new milestone for basic functionality targets
- Merge develop to master once we hit our milestones targets and tag them.
- Continue to follow the model.
With all this branching model a pool
operator can just;
- stay in master branch and use the latest stable & tested code
- stay with develop branch and merge the latest upstream changes
- can just merge in a feature-XYZ branch for cutting-edge features & testing.
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